A film by PATRICK TAKAYA SOLOMON, Pat And Pat inc. Executive Producers PATRICK SOLOMON & PATRICK FRAZIER, (2011, 80 minutes)
WHEN: Sunday June 23, 2013 1:15pm
WHERE: Community Church NY Gallery Room, 28 East 35th St. btwn Park & Madison Aves.
ADMISSION: Free, donations appreciated
REFRESHMENTS: Modest refreshments will be served.
This screening is a very special one for us. This week marks the 10th ANNIVERSARY of RESISTANCE CINEMA, a project that was never intended to be anything more than a temporary interim activity between Teach-Ins on the Iraq war. Originally the Education Committee of Not In Our Name NY, we organized a very successful celebrity Teach-In at Community Church on March 15, 2003. Before diving into our next big project we decided to initiate a summer film series just to remain active. On June 29th 2003 Resistance Cinema screened its first film in the Gallery Room. The film was RABBIT IN THE MOON, a stirring documentary on the incarceration of Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War II. We never let up. Here we are 10 years later after having screened over 200 documentaries, many of which have been the most contemporary ground breaking films influential in shaping the debates on public policy. Join us and find out what’s next!
FINDING JOE is an exploration of famed Mythologist Joseph Campbell’s studies and their continuing
impact on our culture. In the early 20th century, while studying world mythology, Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told and he called it “the heroes journey”. Through interviews with visionaries from a variety of fields interwoven with enactments of classic tales by a sweet and motley group of kids, the film navigates the stages of this journey: the challenges, the fears, the dragons, the battles, and the return home as a changed person.
The ultimate heroes journey is the journey of self discovery. As you slay dragons and uncover treasures, you just may find that the holy grail you seek is closer than you think. Rooted in deeply personal accounts and timeless stories, FINDING JOE shows how Campbell’s work is relevant and essential in today’s world and how it provides a narrative for how to live a fully realized life - or as Campbell would simply state, how to "follow your bliss".