

Celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance Day!

Dia de la Resistancia Indigena – Dia de la Raza

Torture Survivor Speaks Out

A story of resistance and a struggle for justice

Friday October 12

7:00 p.m.

All Soul’s Church

Reidy Friendship Hall

  1157 Lexington Ave.

at 80th St., Manhattan

Carlos Mauricio

…challenges the claim that torture is an acceptable tool in the fight against, so-called, “terrorists.”  His government once labeled him a “terrorist”.

As a professor at the University of San Salvador in 1983, Carlos was abducted and tortured by the Salvadoran military because he spoke out against injustice.  Now, a high school teacher in San Francisco, he speaks around the country about his experience.  He won a major lawsuit against two Salvadoran generals responsible for his brutal treatment.  He founded the Stop Impunity Project to educate people about torture, to support survivors and to hold perpetrators accountable.  He joined with School of the Americas (SOA) Watch founder, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, and persuaded several South American governments to withdraw their soldiers from the SOA.

Film showing: “School of Assassins” Maryknoll film, 1995 Oscar nominee

Revolutionary songs with Salvadoran musician, singer: Jorge Renderos!

Sponsors: NYC School of the Americas (SOA) Watch, NY CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador), Resistance Cinema, All Souls’ Church Peace Task Force  

Suggested donation: $5.00.  Refreshments.

Join SOA Watch for the annual Vigil at Fort Benning, GA to

Close the SOA, November 16-18! (attended by over 20,000 people last year)

Go to:,, or contact Andy Kafel, 201-207-1493, for more information.