

Dear All,

Quoting Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin,  “Blest is he who rightly gauges the time to quit the feast and fly.”

We’re not exactly quitting the feast but after twelve productive and satisfying years, the Resistance Cinema steering committee has decided to go on hiatus following the June 14 screening of CITIZEN FOUR.  This will give us space and time to reflect without the ongoing pressure of organizing an advance seasonal schedule.  Your support made it possible for us to screen close to 250 films and to host speakers and filmmakers.  An impressive record in which we can all take pride.

Together with your loyal attendance we have analyzed and critiqued documentaries, exchanged perspectives, formed friendships, learned much, challenged each other’s views, and, not least, partied at Year’s End.  And always we have respected our differences of opinion as we sought to be informed and watchful of the changing political and economic spheres of today’s world. 

We ask your permission to maintain your names on a Resistance Cinema listserve for such time when we stage our “comeback.”   Thanks to Michael Moore and the financial success of his works, the number of documentaries now made increases yearly.  During the hiatus we’ll be looking out for potential films and the evolving technology for screening films.  We intend to stay committed to presenting occasional programs of special interest.  We won’t quit the feast entirely – we’ll be around because, as Dorothy Day put it: “Our work is to sow. Another generation will be reaping the harvest.”

Ciao for now,






RESISTANCE CINEMA STEERING COMMITTEE:  from l to r - Russell Branca, Diane Mason,Connie Dondore, Karen Hoover, Linda Novenski, Lawrene Groobert, Nydia Leaf, & & Anita Waded in abstentia