RESISTANCE CINEMA PRESENTS Michael Moore’s ” SICKO” The Weinstein Company and Dog Eat Dog Films, Written, produced, and directed by Michael Moore, Executive producers Kathleen Glynn, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein, Senior Field Producers; Rick Birlson, Nicky Lazar, copyright 2007 118 minutes
WHEN: Sunday April 6, 2008 1:15pm
WHERE: Community Church NYC, 40 E. 35th st. @ Park ave.
ADMISSION: Free, donations appreciated
SPECIAL GUEST: Marilyn Clement national coordinator of Healthcare-NOW.
Love him or hate him, Michael Moore is the most important documentary filmmaker in America today. In his latest film “Sicko” the target of his thundering ire is the U.S. healthcare system. Moore’s enormous gifts as a social satirist, his ingenious use of stunts and gimmicks to dramatize
a point, and his sarcastic wit all blossom to their fullest expression as he dives into this very serious topic. The result is overwhelming, maybe his best film ever. As Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune observes;
“Combining powerful personal testimonies with shocking statistics. Moore pulls the curtain
back on the greedy HMOs, drug companies and congressmen who keep us ill. Traveling to Canada, England, France and Cuba where free universal health care is the norm – he forces the question, Why can’t this happen in the U.S.?”
Michael Moore has a knack for creating controversy. He is both adored and despised. But one thing is undeniable. Because of him the average American will ask better questions and demand better answers from our political leaders. If he has done nothing else Moore is a national treasure.
We are delighted to have as our guest speaker Marilyn Clement. She is the national coordinator of Healthcare- NOW working in over 350 cities and with 55,000 activists nationwide to build a movement for national healthcare. Her distinguished career goes back to the 1960s when she worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Among the prestigious organizations she has been involved with are: The Center For Constitutional Rights, The Womens International League For Peace And Freedom, The United Methodist Church, and The Interreligious Foundation For Community Organizing.