RESISTANCE CINEMA Proudly Presents “THE WATER FRONT” Produced by Red Lizard Media, Directed by Liz Miller, Editors: Liz Miller, Susan Shanks, Frederic Moffet, Etienne Gordon, copyright 2007, 53 minutes
WHEN: Sunday July 13th 1:30pm
WHERE: Community Church Of NYC , Gallery Room 28 East 35th st. @ paek ave.
ADMISSION: Free, donations appreciated
What if you lived by the largest body of fresh water in the world but could no longer afford to use it?
The privatization of just about everything is the core ideological economic principle of modern neo-conservative thinking. Whether it’s the school system, prisons, public parks, the military, or in this case the water system, the goal of enfeebling government and dismantling all public structures has been pervasive and unrelenting. It guides not only domestic politics but is at the heart of U.S. foreign policy as well
. But in the process what happens to “We the people”?
With a shrinking population, the post-industrial city of Highland Park, Michigan is on the verge of financial collapse. The state of Michigan has appointed an Emergency Financial Manager who sees the water plant as key to economic recovery. She has raised water rates and has implemented severe measures to collect on bills. As a result, Highland Park residents have received water bills as high as $10,000, they have had their water turned off, their homes foreclosed, and are struggling to keep water, a basic human right, from becoming privatized.
The Water Front is the story of an American city in crisis but it is not just about water. The story touches on the very essence of our democratic system and is an unnerving indication of what is in store for residents around the world facing their own water struggles. The film raises questions such as: Who determines the future of shared public resources? What are alternatives to water privatization? How will we maintain our public water systems and who can we hold accountable?